For us, your voice is our concern! Equipped with one of the finest endoscopes, stroboscopes, voice analysis softwares and videoendoscopic surgical instrumentation in the world today, Dr. Manoj’s ENT Super Speciality Institute & Research Centre has the first and finest voice labs in North Kerala. Radio DJs, professional singers, teachers are among hundreds of patients who are benefited by our expertise. With advanced phonosurgical techniques, we ensure that your voice is returned back to as near normalcy as possible, sometimes even when cancers affect the vocal cords or the nerves to the vocal cords. If seeing is believing, these pictures tell stories of voice restored.
Forty year old man with hoarseness
Before Surgery

After Surgery

Diagnosis: Right vocal fold polyp
Treated by Microlaryngeal Surgery
Thirty year old man with foreign body sensation throat

Diagnosis : Laryngopharyngeal Reflux disease
Treated with Proton Pump Inhibitors
Fifty Five year old man, chronic smoker with hoarseness
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Diagnosis: Left Vocal Fold Malignancy
Treated by Vertical Partial laryngectomy
Forty five year old lady- public speaker with hoarseness

Diagnosis: Reinke’s Edema
Treated Conservatively
Fifty Five year old lady with hoarseness

Diagnosis: Left Vocal fold Haemmorhage
Treated Conservatively
Sixty year old man with with hoarseness
Before Surgery

After Surgery

Diagnosis: Vallecular Cyst
Thirty eight year old lady with foreign body sensation throat
Before Surgery

After Surgery

Diagnosis: Vallecular Cyst
Treated by Excision
Twenty Nine year old man with hoarseness
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Diagnosis: Polyp arising from arytenoid process
Treated by Microlaryngeal Surgery
Twenty eight year old with hoarseness
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Diagnosis: Right Haemmorhagic Polyp Treated by Microlaryngeal surgery
Fifty two year old lady with hoarseness
Before Surgery

After Surgery

Seventy two year old man with hoarseness
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Diagnosis: Right Haemmorhagic Polyp
Treated by Microlaryngeal Surgery
Micro ear surgery is an exercise in finesse and perfection. In the confines of the middle ear and the temporal bone, within a few millimeters of each other lie some of the vital structures of the human body. For the good results in ear surgery, the surgeon must be adept in manoeuvring around these structures, removing disease, never damaging structures. In MESIARC, middle ear and inner ear surgery has reached a level of skill where our results speak for ourself, and thousands of happy patients are our most vociferous ambassadors. Illustrated here are some of the results of over 800 micro ear surgical procedures performed annually at the Institute
Myringoplasty with Tragal Perichondrium
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty, Repair with Temporalis Fascia
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Myringoplasty with Tragal Perichondrium
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Glomus Tympanicum –mastoidectomy and removal by facial recess approach
Pre Operative

Post Operative

CSOM with Dry Central Perforation- Myringoplasty
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Revision CWD tympanoplasty followed by grafting with Fascia lata and cartilage support
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Malignant Otitis Externa – Before and after treatment with antibiotics (quinolones)
Before Surgery

After Surgery

Operated Mastoid Tympanoplasty with homograft cartilage support

Myringotomy with grommet insertion for a Retracted drum
Pre Operative

Post Operative

Myringotomy with Grommet insertion for a Middle Ear Effusion
Before Surgery

After Surgery

CSOM with Cholesteatoma- After Mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty
Pre Operative

Post Operative