Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery
Chronic ear disease remains a problem in India . Dr. Manoj’s team performs over 700 surgeries every year, most of them for advanced ear disease and pervious surgical failures with success results over 97%.Most of the surgeries are performed as day care surgeries and the patient is back to routine from the next day.
Technically demanding surgeries like stapedotomy is performed with the latest sophisticated instruments like
the microdrill with no post-operative discomfort like nausea or vomiting. Special ear surgeries like cochlear
implantation, facial nerve decompression, posterior canal occlusion for vertigo, perilymphatic fistula closure
and endolymphatic sac decompression are performed here.
Apart from the routine nasal surgeries, endoscopic surgeries for CSF leak closure, FESS, Endoscopic DCR, Optic nerve decompression, Orbital decompression are done. The team is specially trained for operating on advanced head and neck malignancies, maxillofacial traumas and voice restoration surgeries.
Hearing Restoration Surgery
Hearing loss is conductive in nature when the sound waves fail to travel to inner ear and sensorineural in nature when the damage is in the auditory nerve and the inner ear .A thorough examination by the otologist aided by the audiological tests helps to identify where the problem lies .
Most of the causes for the conductive hearing loss can be surgically corrected .Examples for conductive hearing loss includes tympanic membrane perforation or ossicular damage in chronic ear disease and otosclerosis where there is fixation of stapes bone.
Goal of the surgery is to give a dry and disease free ear to the patient and restore hearing. Any patient who is a candidate for surgical hearing restoration is by definition a candidate as well for a hearing aid though the fidelity of hearing is in general better with surgery than with a hearing aid. This
should be discussed with the otologist who will recommend either surgery or amplification for each specific case.
Apart from the routine nasal surgeries, endoscopic surgeries for CSF leak closure, FESS, Endoscopic DCR, Optic nerve decompression, Orbital decompression are done. The team is specially trained for operating on advanced head and neck malignancies, maxillofacial traumas and voice restoration surgeries.
Head & Neck Cancer Surgery
Dr. Manoj's team remains the only center in north Kerala providing immediate return to speech following Laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer. Partial Laryngectomy with voice preservation is done by this team and this is the recent trend the world over for primary management of vocal cord cancer. Apart from this, Laryngopharyngectomy with reconstruction, maxillectomies,
mandibulectomies, neck dissections and glossectomies are done, ensuring comprehensive Head and Neck cancer care
Turbinate Reduction Surgery
Enlarged inferior turbinate are often the cause of chronic nasal congestion. Even after the underlying problem is addressed, such as chronic infection or allergy,the enlargement may remain. There are varying ways to reduce the size of the turbinate, from radio frequency ablation done in the office under local anesthesia (no down time for the patient), to submucous resection or even partial turbinectomy done in the operating room as an outpatient. Each has advantages and disadvantages over the other choices.
The best approach for each patient would be discussed at the time of the office visit.
The hearing organs and the brain are closely associated and so the significance of the neurootlogy clinic cannot be over emphasized. Many diseases of the brain may present only with ear symptoms as ringing sensation and dizziness. In our centre, we use state of the art equipment to evaluate such conditions and apt treatment is suggested. Inner ear tumours like acoustic neuroma are managed by translabyrinthine approach. Vertigo is an incapacitating symptom for which we have a separate clinic and specialists trained to manage the same. Many causes for vertigo such as BPPV are treated successfully with exercises, liberatory maneuvers and sometimes surgery like endolymphatic sac decompression for Meniere’s disease, posterior
canal occlusion for BPPV and vestibular neurectomy for resistant cases of peripheral labyrinthine vertigo.