Equipped with advanced audiological equipment, Dr. Manojs Institute provides all kinds of audiological investigations which are essential for identifying the pathology related to hearing disorders. Audiology is the branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and their disorders. Audiology aims to determine whether someone can hear within the normal range, and if not, which portions of hearing (high, middle, or low frequencies) are affected and to what degree. If a hearing loss is present, an audiologist determines whether what kind of hearing loss, if any, is present and he or she proposes to the patient what options (e.g. hearing aids, cochlear implantation, surgery, auditory habilitation, appropriate medical referrals etc.) may help to restore function. Audiologists prescribe, programme and dispense hearing aids. Audiologists are also involved in the prevention of hearing loss, hearing conservations programs and other communication disorders. Audiologists are often in charge of Newborn Hearing Screening Programs designed to identify hearing loss within the first 2 months of life.